Thursday, March 28, 2013

HOA "Injustice"

There are many articles floating around on the internet that speak of the “injustices” that occur within homeowner associations.  Many homeowners feel that they do not have to answer to the association’s governing board, viewing the board as a group of bullies that trample on the rights of homeowners.  However, these homeowners forget that by living in a HOA community, they are agreeing to abide by the governing documents that apply to everyone living within the community.  These bylaws and governing documents try to serve the greater good that would benefit everyone in the most optimal way.  That does not mean that the board of directors will always make the right decision; they are also human beings and make mistakes.  It is not easy for anyone to exercise judgment over their neighbors. 

Homeowners may not always have their way in inevitable issues that turn up in HOA communities, but when the decisions they make about their property affect the home values or other costs of those who follow all the rules, who is really the victim?  A lawsuit between a homeowner and an association where the homeowner wins will likely result in an increased cost for everyone in the community as the association tries to pay for attorney fees.  When one person wins and everyone else in the community loses, is that really justice?

To read more about this topic, click on the following link:

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