Thursday, August 30, 2012

Community Receives Recognition

The city of Cary has spoken. Residents in the North Carolina town who read the Cary News determined that Del Webb Carolina Preserves is one of the best new communities in Cary. Carolina Preserves receives its property management services from LandArc, which certainly contributed to the award decision based on our unique property management system. LandArc manages Del Webb active lifestyle communities in both Michigan and North Carolina. Click here to see Carolina Preserves and the other winners of the Best Of Cary awards:


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Grand Opening of Del Webb Amenity Complex

In recent weeks, Del Webb Sweetgrass celebrated the grand opening of their 27,000 square foot Lakehouse amenity complex. This active lifestyle community was the first to be constructed in the Houston Metro area. The grand opening event will take place Saturday, September 8th from 5pm-8pm. Some of the flavorful amenities offered at the Lakehouse are: a recreation and fitness center; outdoor and indoor swimming pools; small arenas for sports such as tennis; and many more.

Del Webb Sweetgrass opened 18th months ago to support the large number of baby boomers who are becoming senior citizens. There is surely a great future for Sweetgrass and all the other communities that promote active lifestyles for the aging American majority.

To read more about this event, click on the following link:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Could This Happen in Your Community?

The regulation differences between states can often be difficult to follow, especially if you live in an HOA community that receives services from a different state. Issues can also arise from conflicts of interest between public organizations and HOA communities.
Here is a recent instance of a legal dispute between a public organization and an HOA community: a property in Virginia has a gravel road winding right through the center of their land. Three years ago the owners barred public access to this road. An action that caused a non-profit public organization to file a lawsuit against the property owners. The dispute here was whether the road running through HOA community was public property by right. For information about the particulars to the dispute, click here:
At first, the property owners were ordered by a trial court to remove the gates barring public access to the road. However, the HOA community appealed to the State of Virginia Supreme Court, which found fault the trial court’s decision and reversed the previous ruling. This barred public access to the road running through the property of the HOA community once again. Is this something that could happen in your community?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Retirement? No, They've Still Got It!

Conventional views on retirement are being redefined by this baby boomers generation now entering the fringes of senior citizen age. Instead of settling down after many long years of working, some retirees are going back to active lifestyles they held before they had children, such as reentering a passion for motorcycle riding. Others are branching out to pursue passions they have never before considered, such as kayaking or mountain climbing. Del Webb, with more than 50 active lifestyle communities in 20 states, is encouraging this renewed vigor exhibited by these baby boomers as they enter retirement. One thing is certain: the world is not what it once was. These baby boomers are feeling up to fifteen years younger than their stated age, but who’s counting really? Not them, that’s for sure. Many active lifestyle retirees are confident that they will be able to keep doing the things they love into their 80s and beyond.
Click on the following link to read more about active lifestyle retirees and Del Webb communities:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Survey Shows High Satisfaction in HOA Communities

As indicated by a recent survey, the majority of homeowners in homeowners associations are satisfied with their communities. Since the times are tough and many homeowners’ have found themselves in hot water, it is impossible to please everyone who lives in home owners associations. However, the number of dissatisfied HOA members reflected in this survey are very low, less than ten percent, while more than seventy percent have claimed they are satisfied with their HOA communities, and approximately twenty percent are neither satisfied nor unsatisfied. Through all indications, it would seem that HOA boards are doing a sufficient job at managing the communities they are responsible for. Click here for more information about this survey.

Would you say that the results to this survey are accurate? Leave any comments you might have in the space available below.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Del Web Performs Home Redesigns

In the past five years, Del Webb has used homeowner feedback to redesign model homes in two of their active lifestyle communities.  The neighborhood in Cane Bay was launched five years ago.  Using that same formula, Del Webb is continuing work in their Charleston location.  At present, 500 out of 1000 planned homes are open.  Del Webb is also seeking feedback from owners and users on the topic of home style changes and extras they would like to see.  For more information on this subject, click here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Too Much Water Used in HOA Communities?

With drought striking so many areas in the United States, many communities, particularly those located in the south, are hard pressed to meet their landscaping needs. An article in a Florida newspaper raises the issue that HOA communities are using too much water. It further discusses Florida’s stance of water usage and over usage. An HOA resident brought up the difficult question of civil penalties for excessive water use versus landscape document requirements. For more information about this subject, click here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Shift in Perspective

A recent survey performed by Pulte group, parent company of Del Web, indicates a shift in traditional retirement views. According to their findings, many Americans continuing to work after retirement, staying close to home instead of streaking south to soak up some sun. This shift in retirement views over the years has prompted Del Webb, a California based company, to construct active lifestyle retirement homes further north in Michigan and Ohio and other Midwestern areas. With the bulk of the baby boomers generation approaching retirement, some are concerned about the fate of active lifestyle communities as this generation moves upward in age to the 80s and 90s. It really depends on how retirees wish to spend the rest of their lives: some prefer to continue performing work-based activities that they enjoy doing, and some have had enough of work, wanting nothing more than to settle down somewhere closer to family. To apply a well known cliché: “to each his own.”

For further information about this topic, click here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Del Webb Cooks for the Cure

For more than fifty years, Del Webb has been America’s leading builder in active lifestyle communities. July through October, Del Webb residents will be putting their cooking skills to the test in order to raise money for the Susan G. Koman foundation to fight for the cure. There are a number of culinary activities at the events to raise money, as well as many KitchenAid prizes that are featured. Events will take place at more than 30 Del Webb communities across the nation. Look for a Del Webb community near you and help to fight for the cure.  For more information, click here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What's Your Favorite Amenity?

A big question for those searching for a home in an HOA community is what kind of amenities are available.  Whether you have lived in your community for a long time or are considering a move in the near future, amenities are probably on your mind.  What would you say is your favorite amenity at your HOA community or what amenities are you looking for while selecting a community?  Post your favorite amenity in the comment box below.