Friday, December 28, 2012

Tips for Snowbirds

Every winter LandArc deals with emergencies where the owners have left for the winter but have not properly winterized their units. If you plan to head south for the winter, please review and follow these guidelines:
  • Set your thermostat no less than 50 degrees. Any lower setting could cause frozen pipes and devastating damage.
  • Draining the water heater and shutting off the water will serve as an extra measure against burst pipes.
  • Winterize all exterior spigots by removing hoses, turning off the water, and draining the spigot from the outside.
  • Leave a key with a neighbor and let LandArc know who to contact in an emergency.
  • Keep doors open throughout the house to ensure heat gets to all areas of the house
  • Keep cupboards doors open below sinks where plumbing lines are located

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Man Charge with Embezzling from Condo Associations

The Chief Financial Officer of Total Realty Services has been accused of embezzling more than $560,000 from a number of condominium associations in Florida.  Roberto Velez had taken the funds from 10 associations over a period of three and a half years.  Velez deceitfully breached the duty owed to those communities as the individual in charge of money intended to benefit the residents living in those associations.  

The Pinellas County Sheriff office has charged Velez with grand theft. 

This unfortunate incident underscores the importance of community associations getting actual copies of their bank statements each month. LandArc has made it a practice to include bank statements and detailed reconciliations for each account of its customers, even multiple reserve accounts or checking accounts in some cases. 

Click here for more information about this unfortunate situation.

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's Here! It's Here!

Well, it is here at last.  The white blanket of frozen water that settles upon our cars, streets, and communities.  We have been fortunate so far when it comes to snow, but it is here now in southeast Michigan and likely here to stay.  Remember to drive safely.  If you feel like others are driving as though they “have never seen snow before,” consider that they may be driving slowly and carefully because they have seen snow and know what to expect from slippery and icy conditions.  So drive safely and consider driving slower than the listed speed limit in your community, just to be safe.  LandArc wishes you and your family a blessed and joyous Christmas season!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

LandArc Community Service

LandArc gave back to the community this holiday season.  Eleven members of the staff worked three hours at Gleaners Food Bank, loading canned and dry food into boxes to send out to the community. According to Gleaners, one in six people don’t have enough food.   Gleaners staff stated that the amount of food loaded by LandArc staff was enough for about 4000 meals.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holiday Tidbits

Just a couple more things to keep in mind with Christmas just around the corner: if you are holding a Christmas party, it is important to be considerate of your neighbors.  Keeping party noise under control makes the holidays fun for everyone.  Also, when it comes to family gatherings, educate your guests on parking rules in your community.  As always, have a fun and safe Christmas season.

Friday, December 14, 2012

In Light of Recent Events...

The thoughts and prayers of LandArc are with the victims of the school shooting in Connecticut on Friday, December 14.  Through God’s grace, may the fallen of that dreadful tragedy find solace.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

50 Years of Improvement

With the changing times comes difficulties, but improvements as well.  Del Webb has greatly improved the construction of their active lifestyle communities since they opened their first community in 1960.  Their updated communities come with a shift in retirement views.  Faced with the common misconception of their communities thought to have been constructed for elderly individuals who have worked for many years and are ready to settle down, Del Webb is striving to educate people otherwise.  Their communities are active lifestyle communities, not retirement communities.  Many Del Webb homeowners still work or pursue other passions that have been placed on hold for many years.  With a large number of baby boomers entering retirement age, the number of active lifestyle communities in the United States will only increase.

To read more about Del Webb, click on the following link:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Message to Homeowners

Here are some things that homeowners should keep in mind with snow and cold weather rapidly approaching.  HOA residents should be aware of your associations' stance when it comes to snow removal, as well as holiday decorations.  By researching what is permitted ahead of time, homeowners would be able to avoid fees associated with misconduct and everyone will be able to enjoy this wonderful time of year.

LandArc would like to wish everyone a joyous holiday season!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HOA Considers Lawsuit

Homeowners in Fairies Farms, a North Carolina HOA, are considering a lawsuit against their former HOA management company, Carolinas Association Management, for mishandling money paid by homeowners.  According to the source listed below, Joe Patterson, president of Carolinas already has a shady history as a property management professional.  

Patterson’s license as a real estate broker was revoked in 2001 by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.  Three years later, he was able to get that license back.  Patterson claimed that he only charged the fees to homeowners because the association board told him to.  The board denies this.   Residents in Fairies Farms simply want to know what happened to their money.

To read more about this story, click on the following link:

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Speeding Debate

Del Webb resident Dennis Kay is looking for a solution to motorists speeding through the active lifestyle community he calls home.  Kay recently attended a city council meeting in Hemet California.  However, there was no action taken.  Kay wants nothing more than to be able to back out of his driveway without fear of an accident.  

There is an ongoing debate over who’s responsibility is it to insert traffic signals within the community. 

The city of Hemet says that the association has the responsibility to maintain the streets within the community.   The association disagrees and says that it is up to the city, since the community streets are within city limits.  Kay is surely not the only resident in this community hoping for a solution to this problem, regardless of who holds the responsibility. 

To read more about this topic, click on the following link:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

HOA Couple Files Lawsuit

One of the biggest concerns for property management companies is keeping up with delinquent payments from homeowners who live within the associations they manage. However, despite the pressure to obtain payments, ethical practices should always be followed. A young couple who are homeowners in an Arizona HOA recently filed a class action lawsuit against their property management company, alleging that they had been charged illegal fees in addition to the amount they owed to their HOA.

To read more about this topic, click on the following link:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Del Webb Residents Making a Difference

Following the trend of active lifestyle living, many Del Webb residents have become the “new seniors on campus” by devoting much of their time to volunteering in schools. According to the source listed below, nearly 70% of Del Webb communities have reported an increase of volunteers within their communities in the past three years. Many residents have stated that they find a sense of “increased fulfillment” when asked about their volunteer efforts in educational facilities. As the leading builder of active lifestyle communities, Del Webb has seen many examples of their residents getting involved with causes to make the world around them a better place.

Click on the following link to read more about this topic:

HOA Chain of Command?

Here is a useful link that explains a bit about the chain of command in a typical HOA community. The writer of this article refers to the chain of command as a network. This network has the HOA’s community manager in the center because it is the manager that keeps most of the records in the association. Not because the community manager makes all of the decisions for the association. Also included in this web is the Board Of Directors and whatever vendors might perform services within the community. The article also offers great advice for homeowners who live in HOA communities. For example, an home issues should be reported to the property management company rather than the vendor or the board of directors.

Also, the writer of the article advises homeowners to not allow a violation to reach a boiling point which could negatively impact all homeowner’s within an HOA. Finally, the writer of the article encourages homeowners, once again, to communicate with the community manager rather than with the board of directors or the community vendors. While the latter approach might seem easier, communicating to a community manager, such as LandArc, is the best way to ensure that problems are handled in an efficient manner with proper record keeping.

For more information, click on the following link:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Never Too Old

As the baby boomer population enters retirement age, they are clinging onto their vitality, determined to continue activities that they enjoy. As a result, active lifestyle communities are gaining momentum, offering a wide range of activities for invigorated seniors. Some active lifestyle communities have been referred to as the “Disneyland” for seniors over 55 years of age. LandArc currently manages a number of Del Webb active lifestyle communities.

To read more about the shift in retirement views, click on the following link:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

LandArc Fall Newsletter 2012

LandArc Fall 2012 Board Review

Community Manager vs. Outspoken Board Members

Homeowner associations can benefit greatly from the experience of a good community manager. However, many board members choose not to act on the advice of their hired community managers. This has become a big issue in some areas, such as Nevada, where there is a great amount of legislation trying to induce good behavior within communities. The legislation itself has proven to be inadequate for that task, according to the source listed below. The article also states that it is often the more outspoken members of the community who become board members, regardless of any experience in managing a community.

There is a great cost associated with ignoring the advice of community managers that is leading many to wonder what can be done about this problem. Nevada is considering more legislation to educate board members in proper procedures, but not all HOA management companies think this is the right answer. The source article states that managers often have enough trouble getting community members interested in serving their community without the added education requirement. As board members representing your community, what do you think should be done?

To view the source used in this blog post, click on the following link:

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Good Ole' Days...

Let’s take a moment to look back at the way things used to be done: in the past (some parts of the world still do this today), extended families used to live under one roof. Children would take care of their aging parents until the end. Today’s fast paced American Society has resulted in an industry that takes care of the elderly. The article in the link below says that while some seniors strive for continued independence through active living, those same seniors are proclaiming their independence as opposed to community living. With the life expectancy now raised by ten years, who knows what the future will be like when today’s youth reach the age of retirement?

To read more about this subject, click here: *

*link was not previously valid in intial posting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Del Webb Community Holds Pickleball Tournament

There are many benefits of physical activities. It is said that those who live active, healthy lives are the ones who live longer lives. Del Webb Orlando is relaying the spirit of the national active lifestyle community by holding their first annual Pickleball tournament later next month on November 17. Played with a racket, the 47 year old sport is part Tennis, part badminton, and part ping pong. Since the game only uses a portion of the tennis court, it is not a physically exerting sport and can be played by a wide variety of people.

Click on the following link for more information about this event:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Community Dispute Results in Death of Homeowner

An ongoing dispute in a Florida Del Webb community escalated last week. John Gallik, a homeowner at Del Webb Southshore Falls was killed by a neighbor, who allegedly acted in self defense. Gallik had an ongoing dispute with the HOA since he moved there five years ago. He had protested regularly against the governing board and lead many neighbors to question his sanity. It is a most unfortunate incident that leads many to wonder: what, if anything, could have been done differently?

For more information, click on the following link:

Friday, October 19, 2012

National HOA Bank Acquired

First Associations Bank (FAB) serves the financial needs of HOA communities. The Texas company has served communities across the United States since 2007. FAB announced a few days ago that they had entered into an agreement with Pacific Premier, which will acquire FAB. Following the acquisition, FAB will operate as a division of Pacific Premier. For more information, click on the following link:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Disruptive Homowners at Community Meetings

Meetings at homeowner associations are the driving force behind progress in an HOA community. This is where decisions are made. An HOA with disruptive meetings is a community that is not achieving the full growth they would otherwise. While homeowners might not always follow rules in an HOA, often homeowners can attend governing board meetings. If these homeowners disrupt the forward progress in a meeting, what can be done? One way includes wording the bylaws in a way that prohibits disruptive homeowners from attending meetings.

For more information on this intriguing subject, click here:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HOA Woes

Often HOA communities are situated very near to other homes. These homes are not part of the HOA, so they do not fall under the jurisdiction of the community board and the governing documents. What happens if a member of the HOA has a problem with the adjacent household that is not a part of their community organization? Can the board do anything if the non-member homeowner is too loud or disturbs HOA homeowners in other ways? The stark reality is that the governing board often can’t do anything about that. If it is another HOA community, then a homeowner should contact management of that organization. If not, then call police, or if necessary, animal control.

For more information, click here:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Change of Season

Fall is here!  Leaves are scattering in the wind.  With that in mind, it is a good idea to be aware of your association’s bylaws when it comes to fall cleanup.  Looking ahead to the near future, Halloween is just around the corner.  The kids are anxious to get into their carefully selected costumes to enjoy the night of autumn frolic.  While the candy is certainly good, it is also worth checking what your association permits in terms of Halloween decorations and the coveted time of tricks and treats.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Work and Travel: A Retirement Balance

Baby boomers who are making the transition from working to retirement life have no desire to stop doing the activities they love most. Many are continuing to work past retirement age for various reasons. At the same time, this work continuation is balanced by travel. Now that many baby boomers have spent more than thirty years generating income, they have decided that the time has come to start ticking items off of that bucket list by traveling. To read more, click on the following link:

HOA Parking Concerns

The link included at the end of this post introduces an interesting question. Homeowner associations are communities with set rules that ensure an equal and tranquil life for all homeowners who live within those communities. What can a governing board do if there are regulations in place that cannot be enforced? In this case, the issue of parking illegally was brought up. A board member wrote a letter to a newspaper and stated that their current management company cannot enforce the parking rules because it is “private property.” The answer to this letter stated that registering vehicles of residents who live in this community is a possible option. To read more, click on the following link:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Board Review 2012

Budget Seminar Update

FYI: the date for the budget seminar has been changed to Wednesday, October 24. The time and place are still the same: 6-8 pm at the Royal Park Hotel: 600 East University Drive, Rochester, MI 48307. Dinner will be included with the budget seminar. Invitations will be mailed out by next week at the latest. If you are a governing board member at a homeowner association and do not receive an invitation by October 10 but would still like to attend, please email to register. We will accept registration for the budget seminar until October 15. LandArc strongly recommends that association board members attend this event in preparation for the upcoming budget season.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Inactive Governing Board...

Individuals who live in homeowners’ associations are dependent on their governing board to enforce the law of the land as well as making decisions that affect everyone in the community. But what happens if your board doesn’t do those things? In my source (see link below) a homeowner wrote a letter stating that their HOA governing board has not held a meeting in years and does not respond to letters or inquiries. The reply to this letter stated that it is the responsibility of homeowners to prompt their board into action, because there are “no state agencies to help homeowner associations.” The response also stated that the writer of the letter refer to the governing documents for procedures and any available meeting minutes. This is the kind of situation that no homeowner should be involved with. LandArc remains in regular contact with governing boards of the communities we manage.

Click here to view my source for this post:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Free Budget Seminar

Budget time for HOA communities is upon us once again. Did you know that there are two independent budgets that are vital to the continued growth of home associations? These are the operations budget and the reserve budget. Both are the driving force behind all HOA communities. LandArc is committed to providing the associations we manage with the tools necessary to succeed. That is why we are offering a free budget seminar for association board members in about a month. This event will take place on Tuesday, October 23rd from 6-8 pm at the Royal Park Hotel: 600 East University Drive, Rochester, MI, 48307. Allow us to have a positive impact on your community.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

HOA Meeting Turns Violent

An HOA meeting goes violently wrong earlier this month. Following a dispute over a fence and driveway, a homeowner comes to the meeting armed and takes the lives of two board members. Although tempers can often run high at these meetings, there is nothing that can justify taking one life let alone two. Mahmoud Yousef Hindi faces two murder charges for his actions that place on September 6th which cost the lives of 73-year-old David Merritt and 69-year-old Marvin Fisher. The dispute over the home, which has escalated over the past year, is further complicated by a court statement made by Hindi where he stated the home was not his but his children’s.

Click the following link to read more about this terrible tragedy:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Conflict of Interest

In the link below, two different HOA board situations in the state of California are discussed. Both scenarios display evidence that the HOA board is not acting in the best interest of the communities represented. In the first scenario, a board president had gone through five management companies in four years and was now considering the prospect of paying himself to manage the HOA. This situation has conflict of interest written all over it. While the details of this situation are not disclosed (see source below), it is clear that the president of this HOA is prepared to step outside of the bounds of his authority. The second scenario is much shorter, but also displays a conflict of interest. In a bid proposal, a board member passed over lower priced proposals in order to secure a proposal with a company the board member was associated with. This is clearly not in the best interest of the community this board member serves. It is an outrageous display of the abuse of one’s position.
Click here to view the source used in this post:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Community Woes

Residents who live in an HOA really have a high stake in the effectiveness of both their governing board and their property management company. If either one does not perform their job properly then it is the homeowners that reap the consequences. In the link below, a homeowner living in an HOA sends a letter asking what is the proper way to remove an ineffective president from their governing board. The president here arrived to a board meeting drunk and belligerent, which is no way to represent a community. The response to that letter (also included in the link below) states that a board member position should be one of little power where the board devotes their time and actions in service of the community they represent.

A second letter is included that asks about the proper conduct of a property management company. This letter and the response discusses how property managers should always act professionally by not discussing community related business in a public restaurant or excluding other members of the board in favor of one member. The writer of the response to this letter stated that property management companies lose their “objectivity,” in cases such as that.

To view both letters and their responses, click here:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Board President Steals $500,000 from HOA

The president of a Florida Homeowners Association is charged with stealing more than $500,000 from the community he was supposed to serve. While David Meadows claims that the charges are beyond his comprehension(see source below), his actions during the past four years leave a lot of questions. Money intended for the HOA community Meadows' administered went, instead, to a number of other places, ranging from Meadows’ own mortgage to businesses he used to run. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the structure of the board itself. Instead of the traditional officers, the only board members in charge of this community were Meadows and his wife. Allegations show that Meadows did not manage this HOA, he ruled it. Due to his ownership of multiple units in the community, he controlled the votes performed. The property management company performing services to the association also belonged to Meadows. Many community owners also complained about receiving outrageous fines from the association ranging from possessing satellite dishes to having bent screens on their homes. These violations would cause Meadows to charge these homeowners $100 a day. Meadows allegedly used these fees to pay back money he owed through the companies he managed. The homeowners in this HOA can only hope that justice will be served.

Click here to view the source used in this post:

Florida HOA Charged with Discrimination

A Florida homeowner’s association was recently charged with discrimination concerning one of its residents. Townhomes of King’s Lake HOA Inc. in Gibsonton has been charged with violating the fair housing act by trying to evict a family for having too many kids living in the household. Six, to be exact. The charges against the HOA and its former property management company, Vanguard Management Group Inc., were filed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Townhomes of King’s Lake threatened to evict this family unless they reduced the number of people living in the household. Well, that is easier said than done. This is a family with about eight people: six kids, probably two adults. How should a parent feel if they are told that two of their kids can no longer live with them? The HUD determined that policies such as this may prevent families with children from living in their communities with their unlawful discriminating restrictions. They also noted that the town of Gibsonston, where King’s Lake is located, permits up to eleven people to live there. That’s five more people than allowed by King’s Lake.

To view the source used in this post, click here:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Some Facts about Labor Day

Did everyone have a great Labor Day weekend? This is often viewed as the last opportunity to have a little fun before the end of summer. However, Labor Day has a much deeper history than that. It was first celebrated in the late 19th century in recognition of the triumph of labor unions over the unfair working conditions of that time. This was during the industrial revolution, when sweatshops were common and benefits nonexistent. There were also floods of immigrants surging in from Europe and Asia, all searching for new opportunities to support their families in the New World. The triumphs of unions over the corporate empires of the late 1800s, paved the foundation for the future of America.

The future we enjoy today, in the present, is the result of Labor Day. It is because of Labor Day that we are able to set a lawn chair out in the sun, fire up the grill, and enjoy the unofficial end of summer. Instead of being forced to work long hours for very little, as they did during that time. You can’t take advantage of the amenities at your homeowners association under those kinds of conditions. You can’t spend time with your family, pursue a hobby, or do anything enjoyable if you have to work eighteen hour days and are still be unable to make ends meet. Times are difficult now, but they were even more difficult then. We owe a lot to Labor Day.

To read more about Labor Day, click on this link:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Community Heroes Recognized

The eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks is drawing near. An active lifestyle community in Florida is offering a commemoration for those everyday heroes who sometimes have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to do their jobs. Del Webb Orlando residents are offering a pancake breakfast for Polk County firefighters. This event is organized by the community association and lifestyle managers. The breakfast will take place on site at Del Webb Orlando, which is located just south of Orlando in the town of Davenport. This event will take place during the morning on September 11th from 9 to 10:30 am. Del Webb Orlando is an award winning active lifestyle community, which is truly a place of paradise. Their goal is to ensure the heroes of that dreadful day eleven years ago will never be forgotten.

Click on the following link to read more:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Britton Falls strives for Health

The 2012 Summer Olympics concluded earlier this month with great success from American athletes. Some of the Olympic stars, such as Michael Phelps, began training at a young age in order to reach his peak fitness that has resulted in his success. It is never too late to think about getting into shape, as residents in Britton Falls has proven. The Del Webb community promotes active lifestyle living through their facilities and personal trainers. There are also sports teams so that residents can play softball, as well as a number of other sports. Not everyone can be like Michael Phelps, but it is never too late to strive for health improvement.
Britton Falls is located in Fishers Indiana outside of Indianapolis. To find out more about how Britton Falls is promoting good health, click on this link:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Community Receives Recognition

The city of Cary has spoken. Residents in the North Carolina town who read the Cary News determined that Del Webb Carolina Preserves is one of the best new communities in Cary. Carolina Preserves receives its property management services from LandArc, which certainly contributed to the award decision based on our unique property management system. LandArc manages Del Webb active lifestyle communities in both Michigan and North Carolina. Click here to see Carolina Preserves and the other winners of the Best Of Cary awards:


To view this image in greater detail, click here:

Grand Opening of Del Webb Amenity Complex

In recent weeks, Del Webb Sweetgrass celebrated the grand opening of their 27,000 square foot Lakehouse amenity complex. This active lifestyle community was the first to be constructed in the Houston Metro area. The grand opening event will take place Saturday, September 8th from 5pm-8pm. Some of the flavorful amenities offered at the Lakehouse are: a recreation and fitness center; outdoor and indoor swimming pools; small arenas for sports such as tennis; and many more.

Del Webb Sweetgrass opened 18th months ago to support the large number of baby boomers who are becoming senior citizens. There is surely a great future for Sweetgrass and all the other communities that promote active lifestyles for the aging American majority.

To read more about this event, click on the following link:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Could This Happen in Your Community?

The regulation differences between states can often be difficult to follow, especially if you live in an HOA community that receives services from a different state. Issues can also arise from conflicts of interest between public organizations and HOA communities.
Here is a recent instance of a legal dispute between a public organization and an HOA community: a property in Virginia has a gravel road winding right through the center of their land. Three years ago the owners barred public access to this road. An action that caused a non-profit public organization to file a lawsuit against the property owners. The dispute here was whether the road running through HOA community was public property by right. For information about the particulars to the dispute, click here:
At first, the property owners were ordered by a trial court to remove the gates barring public access to the road. However, the HOA community appealed to the State of Virginia Supreme Court, which found fault the trial court’s decision and reversed the previous ruling. This barred public access to the road running through the property of the HOA community once again. Is this something that could happen in your community?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Retirement? No, They've Still Got It!

Conventional views on retirement are being redefined by this baby boomers generation now entering the fringes of senior citizen age. Instead of settling down after many long years of working, some retirees are going back to active lifestyles they held before they had children, such as reentering a passion for motorcycle riding. Others are branching out to pursue passions they have never before considered, such as kayaking or mountain climbing. Del Webb, with more than 50 active lifestyle communities in 20 states, is encouraging this renewed vigor exhibited by these baby boomers as they enter retirement. One thing is certain: the world is not what it once was. These baby boomers are feeling up to fifteen years younger than their stated age, but who’s counting really? Not them, that’s for sure. Many active lifestyle retirees are confident that they will be able to keep doing the things they love into their 80s and beyond.
Click on the following link to read more about active lifestyle retirees and Del Webb communities:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Survey Shows High Satisfaction in HOA Communities

As indicated by a recent survey, the majority of homeowners in homeowners associations are satisfied with their communities. Since the times are tough and many homeowners’ have found themselves in hot water, it is impossible to please everyone who lives in home owners associations. However, the number of dissatisfied HOA members reflected in this survey are very low, less than ten percent, while more than seventy percent have claimed they are satisfied with their HOA communities, and approximately twenty percent are neither satisfied nor unsatisfied. Through all indications, it would seem that HOA boards are doing a sufficient job at managing the communities they are responsible for. Click here for more information about this survey.

Would you say that the results to this survey are accurate? Leave any comments you might have in the space available below.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Del Web Performs Home Redesigns

In the past five years, Del Webb has used homeowner feedback to redesign model homes in two of their active lifestyle communities.  The neighborhood in Cane Bay was launched five years ago.  Using that same formula, Del Webb is continuing work in their Charleston location.  At present, 500 out of 1000 planned homes are open.  Del Webb is also seeking feedback from owners and users on the topic of home style changes and extras they would like to see.  For more information on this subject, click here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Too Much Water Used in HOA Communities?

With drought striking so many areas in the United States, many communities, particularly those located in the south, are hard pressed to meet their landscaping needs. An article in a Florida newspaper raises the issue that HOA communities are using too much water. It further discusses Florida’s stance of water usage and over usage. An HOA resident brought up the difficult question of civil penalties for excessive water use versus landscape document requirements. For more information about this subject, click here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Shift in Perspective

A recent survey performed by Pulte group, parent company of Del Web, indicates a shift in traditional retirement views. According to their findings, many Americans continuing to work after retirement, staying close to home instead of streaking south to soak up some sun. This shift in retirement views over the years has prompted Del Webb, a California based company, to construct active lifestyle retirement homes further north in Michigan and Ohio and other Midwestern areas. With the bulk of the baby boomers generation approaching retirement, some are concerned about the fate of active lifestyle communities as this generation moves upward in age to the 80s and 90s. It really depends on how retirees wish to spend the rest of their lives: some prefer to continue performing work-based activities that they enjoy doing, and some have had enough of work, wanting nothing more than to settle down somewhere closer to family. To apply a well known cliché: “to each his own.”

For further information about this topic, click here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Del Webb Cooks for the Cure

For more than fifty years, Del Webb has been America’s leading builder in active lifestyle communities. July through October, Del Webb residents will be putting their cooking skills to the test in order to raise money for the Susan G. Koman foundation to fight for the cure. There are a number of culinary activities at the events to raise money, as well as many KitchenAid prizes that are featured. Events will take place at more than 30 Del Webb communities across the nation. Look for a Del Webb community near you and help to fight for the cure.  For more information, click here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What's Your Favorite Amenity?

A big question for those searching for a home in an HOA community is what kind of amenities are available.  Whether you have lived in your community for a long time or are considering a move in the near future, amenities are probably on your mind.  What would you say is your favorite amenity at your HOA community or what amenities are you looking for while selecting a community?  Post your favorite amenity in the comment box below.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

LandArc's Summer Board Review Newsletter with topics on Access Control Systems and the opening of The Club at Cresswind in Gainesville, GA. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Now It's the Big Banks That Are Getting Foreclosed On - CNBC

Interesting article on associations chasing banks for moneys they are owed.  This is another reason why community associations should have lien rights that are superior to bank mortgages.  The impact of the housing collapse on local community association has caused widespread damage to the financial health of condo and HOA communities and, by extension, their property values.  Giving the community association a lien right that is superior to the bank mortgage would actually prevent the ripple effect of devaluation and further foreclosures.   

Now It's the Big Banks That Are Getting Foreclosed On - CNBC

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Club at Cresswind

We are privileged to be a part of active lifestyle communities like Cresswind where beautiful amenities and excellence abounds.  Here are some photos of the new clubhouse and our Georgia management team.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tornado Hits Us Hard In Dexter

LandArc developed a Severe Storm Action Plan for our communities years ago.  Unfortunately, we had to use it last week.  The Tornado that ripped through Dexter, Michigan found its way through the heart of Huron Farms, destroying a number of homes and leaving a wake of debris that spread throughout the surrounding area.  Our team immediately jumped into action, assisting with the cleanup effort, guiding owners through the insurance claim process, and working with local officials to help manage the restoration process.

Few management companies have the capacity to deal with issues of this magnitude.  Fortunately, our maintenance operation and expertise allowed LandArc to be a valuable resource to a community in its time of need.  We never wanted this kind of catastrophe to test our capabilities, but we didn’t hesitate when it became necessary.  We were even asked to provide input to Dexter about their recovery plan.  In the words of a local official, “You manage communities larger than our entire village.” 

Although the work of property management can be mundane, the opportunity to make a difference exists in the unforeseen and our ability to deal with it.  Our heartfelt sympathies and prayers are with all of those affected by this disaster.  We are so sorry for their loss and working hard to make it a distant memory.  The motto that appears on our literature says it best: “Serving Your Community – Protecting Your Investment”   Today we did more than just say it, we proved it. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Builders: How to Hit a Moving Target

Controlling expenses for the condo or HOA is tough during the sales and construction period.  The disclosure or “at full” budget is of little value during the sales and construction period, yet many managers rely on this budget for their financial reports.  Using this budget in your income statement prior to the community reaching completion gives a false sense of security.  Of course you’re under budget on everything… the common elements are only partially complete! 

LandArc has a practice of creating annual operating budgets in partnership with our builder/developer customers.  These budgets forecast anticipated additions to the common elements, projected sales, and expected deficit funding requirements.  This is an essential tool for managing the developer’s funding obligations throughout the sales and construction process.

After an annual operating budget is adopted, LandArc’s systems produce a monthly update that contrasts cash against the forecast.  This system tracks revenue and expense projections against reality and recasts the expected deficit for the year.  This is a sophisticated piece of software, not a manually updated spreadsheet, but it is invaluable in creating accountability for association expenses throughout the sales and construction period.

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