Friday, November 16, 2012

HOA Chain of Command?

Here is a useful link that explains a bit about the chain of command in a typical HOA community. The writer of this article refers to the chain of command as a network. This network has the HOA’s community manager in the center because it is the manager that keeps most of the records in the association. Not because the community manager makes all of the decisions for the association. Also included in this web is the Board Of Directors and whatever vendors might perform services within the community. The article also offers great advice for homeowners who live in HOA communities. For example, an home issues should be reported to the property management company rather than the vendor or the board of directors.

Also, the writer of the article advises homeowners to not allow a violation to reach a boiling point which could negatively impact all homeowner’s within an HOA. Finally, the writer of the article encourages homeowners, once again, to communicate with the community manager rather than with the board of directors or the community vendors. While the latter approach might seem easier, communicating to a community manager, such as LandArc, is the best way to ensure that problems are handled in an efficient manner with proper record keeping.

For more information, click on the following link:

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